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About us

Our main goal is to create a maintenance sector able to create job opportunities in New Caledonia. To do so, we have to identify New Caledonia’s job, materials and skill levels needs in short, medium and long terms. To act together seems to be the best way to succeed, to be proactive and competitive with international companies... 

Maintenance sector

What is maintenance ?

The maintenance sector is a strategic part in companies : its goal is to ensure the proper functioning of the production tools (...)

Different types of maintenance

There are different types of maintenance : corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, which can be systematic or condition-based  (...)

Jobs in the maintenance sector

Industrial maintenance sector is gathering maintenance activities, servicing and repair  (...)

Find a maintenance training course in New Caledonia

AMD training centres, AMD members, schools, RSMA (French Army for training)  (...)

Subscribe to AMD

let's unite our skills for a sustainable future !
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If you want to join us, please print and send us the subscription document back to :

Association Maintenance Durable
Pépinière d'Entreprises Centre Sud
1 bis rue Berthelot-Doniambo- BP 2510 - 98846 Nouméa Cédex
Tel: +687 24.29.63

AMD in action - News